Bratmun 2024 is here!  29.11. – 1.12.2024

21 Years of Excellence Consistency Trust

Over the past two decades more than 2500 delegates have come to enjoy the BratMUN experience. Our MUN grew not only in its size but it justly acquired a status of the most prestige Slovak MUN. This can be attributed to our rich history and gained expertise. Due to our long-term collaboration with other prominent schools in order to find the best chairs and under-chairs, we believe BratMUN is one of the most traditional and high-quality MUNs to participate in.

A Future of Tradition and Experience

A ‘green’ policy of digitalization to reduce the amount of waste. A modern website, elegant logo and new designs throughout the conference. Newsletter and updates via social media for transparency accessibility. Dedicated PR team to answer any questions through multiple platforms and in person.
A modern BratMUN built on firm foundations.

Time to engage

Reach out to us on our social media or our blog to catch up on the latest news. Right now, our delegate applications are open, so don’t hesitate and apply to one of our committees now!

Why Bratmun

Build contacts from around the world and become a global citizen Hone your public speaking skills in an authentic UN atmosphere Discuss and find solutions to acute global crises

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After attending both BratMUN 2018 and 2019, I must admit that the Bratislava Model United Nations is a conference suitable for anyone in the MUN community. One can see that the organizers put a lot of heart in the conference and are passionate about it. Seeing the conference both from the perspective of a delegate and a chair ensures me that BratMUN is a household name in the MUN world of Visegrad

I have been a delegate at BratMUN the past two years, I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I’ve learnt a lot about and made some wonderful friends I still talk to. I would definitely recommend attending BratMUN as you will find like minded peers that share the common passion for debate and will ensure the experience is unforgettable.

BratMUN 2018 was my very first MUN experience. Attending BratMUN was beyond my expectations, which reinforced my interest in diplomacy and international relations. Personally, qualities that define BratMUN are high standards, solemn staff and an imposing level of professionalism. I particularly truly admired the vast range of international delegates which were present, as well as the perfect organization of the conference. I am happy to see how the BratMUN family is flourishing, with fingers crossed for the upcoming edition.

BratMUN 2019 was the first MUN I’ve ever attended. Before the official sign up all I heard was that it is a place where you meet great people, test your language skills and the food there is good. That was all I knew before the first committee session.
Looking back, it really was like everybody described it to me: meeting great people, testing your knowledge, occasional stressful situations. Long story short, it was amazing!
If you’re thinking about attending the future BratMUNs, I strongly encourage you to sign up.

Thanks to my experience at BratMUN 2019, I learned how to behave and dress formally, as well as how to be quick on my feet and adjust to unfamiliar situations. The fact that nearly all the committees had the same break times allowed us all to socialize and therefore balanced out the time we spent working with the opportunity to meet new people from all over the world. Similarly, the social events served as perfect distractions from the workload we were assigned. In the WHO committee, our chairs and underchair also made our experience fun and stimulating thanks to their “punishments” for using personal pronouns (I am still avoiding using them to this day) and their formally strict but still friendly attitude towards the delegates.

My name is Adya Hegde and I attended BratMUN 2018 and 2019. Prior to these events, I had never taken part in an MUN. It was incredibly daunting at first to debate in front of strangers, however, the committee was incredibly welcoming and understanding. The following year I had become much more confident and comfortable with the procedures. BratMUN is the perfect event to hone your public speaking skills, meet interesting people and just have some fun! It truly is an unforgettable and educational experience.

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