About BratMUN

In this piece information on the segments of the BratMUN conference will be provided, as well as information on the ‘side events’ of the conference, including social gatherings, a city tour and of course a major party. This article will be frequently updated, so as to provide accurate and up-to-date info.

The first part will concern the conference itself and the second part will be dedicated to the various activities. Enjoy!

The Conference

Opening Ceremony

BratMUN will begin with a grand opening ceremony were all of the staff and delegations will gather. Multiple speakers will participate in the official opening of the conference, together with a cultural performance which will be kept as a surprise.  

Some of the renowned guests…

Committee Sessions

The bulk of the conference will be spent in the committees of various UN bodies. The topics discussed as well as the concrete UN bodies will be announced beforehand, together with the chairs and underchairs in charge of them.

Each delegate will have the opportunity to choose the committee they want to participate in and the country they wish to represent. Materials to prepare for the committee discussions will be will be made digitally available in time.

For the time of the conference, the delegates will hold negotiations which should result in a resolution to be presented before the General Assembly in the very end.

Delegates deeply engaged in thought

General Assembly

Here delegates from all of the standard committees will gather to discuss resolutions passed by their committees. The General Assembly will then hold a vote on whether these resolutions should be implemented into practice.

Delegates from the expert committees will continue their negotiation process as an unexpected crisis (spoiler alert) will force them to postpone the standard negotiation process. They will then proceed to hold a vote on their resolutions.

A single resolution stands in the way of mutual agreement and understanding

Closing Ceremony

The chairs of each of the committees will select the best delegates from their committees and these delegates will then be awarded in the closing ceremony. Not to worry though, the feeling of accomplishment and of a job well done will be a reward in itself for all of the delegates.

The 20th anniversary of the BratMUN conference will then be officially closed, to open again on the following year.

Best delegates coming at you from the past

Apart from the Exhausting Discussions…


Conferences are hard, life is hard. To end BratMUN 2020 on a positive note, we will be throwing a party in on the last day. All of the delegates and staff will be able to meet in an unofficial setting and enjoy a program consisting of bands, DJs and sick dance moves.

The morning after…

City Tour

History and culture are not for everyone. Don’t worry, no boring tour guide will force you on a 4 hour ‘death march’ through the city of Bratislava. Given the sheer number of delegates, no centrally organized city tour will be organized; we prefer a more personal approach.

Simply tell your delegation guide which part of the city you want to see and they will. Or if you are out of ideas, ask them or your favorite staff member which part of Bratislava they recommend seeing and you will be taken there when it suits you best.

And if you do not want to amazed by the wonders of Bratislava, better make sure to keep your eyes shut during your stay. Its hard to avoid all of the beauty…

Can you recognize all of the landmarks in the picture?

Quiz Night

For all of the delegates (and staff) wishing to put their general knowledge to the test this is your opportunity. All of the winners will be given handsome prizes!

And more…

We fully understand if you don’t want us to organize your free time for you. We are a bit offended, but we get it.

If you want to see any museum, go to some bar, have a glimpse of Slovak nature or hang out with the seems-like-a-nice-guy delegate of China, go for it. Ask the staff or your delegation guide for any info or assistance you may require and we’ll make it happen.

All of the activities are of course purely optional, but strongly recommended!

Thinking about which part of Bratislava will he go and see today?


If you are unfamiliar with the official lingo or process of the conference, not to worry. Everything will be explained thoroughly on the conference. And if you want to come prepared or you prefer self-study check out our Rules of Procedure article, which will be published soon.

Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask via our Facebook, Instagram or e-mail.

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