Why Choose BratMUN?

A Proper MUN Experience

Model United Nations is a great concept and we recommend that all of the interested participants read the description provided by the amazing bestdelegate website here.

BratMUN is organized by students for students, which we believe makes us more capable of relating to our dear participants and prepare the experience accordingly. 

All parts of the organizational team, from the secretariat to the PR team have experience from other MUNs, such as JasMUN, KatMUN or AntwerpMUN and will be more than pleased to utilize this experience during BratMUN. 

A magnificent moment from BratMUN 2019…

20th Anniversary 

Isn’t it unbelievable? BratMUN has been around longer than the vast majority of its participants and organizers. 

This is a distinctive reason for us to make the 20th edition special and unique, an MUN to remember. We are thinking of some quiz nights, parties and a couple of surprises. 

On this occasion, we want BratMUN to prosper in the future, with all of its history in mind. We have already introduced a new elegant logo, a modern website and much more is to come!

4 years ago at BratMUN 2016…

For Everyone 

BratMUN is great for MUN beginners, as it offers numerous large committees with many experienced MUNers, who will gladly provide any guidance.

BratMUN is great for experienced MUNers, as our chairs will make sure to lead professional debates and challenge your arguments, as well as our other dedicated and well-versed delegates.  

Great City

In fact, we love Bratislava so much, we wrote an entire blog about it here. Read about the reasons why we love it, what it offers and more…

This year will be the 20th anniversary of an inclusive conference, organized by skilled students who will try as hard as they can to make it worthwhile and memorable

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